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Experience the healing energy of angels

Removing the issues out of the tissues

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut without being able to shift it? Or feel restless or unhappy with your life wondering ‘is this it?’. You may realise you’re ready to change things in your life only lack a clear image of what this might be.


This is where IET can be of help to you.

Integrated Energy Therapy

experience the healing energy of angels

Using angelic energy IET works directly with your body’s cellular memory and energy field to get ‘the issues out of your tissues’ for good. It helps you release limiting energy patterns safely and gently from your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and embodying your full potential as you move into your future.


During a session, the natural flow of life is activated in a simple and gentle way by clearing energy blockages. At specific points the blockage is activated and cleared, creating space for positive energy. The energy in the body’s cellular memory will be able to flow freely and is rebalanced. This process is self-managing and self-regulating (or self-healing). Free-flowing energy will give you a sense of knowing what’s good for you and you may notice immediately that you feel calmer, clearer, and lighter.

integrated energy therapy logo
integrated energy therapy logo

Integrated Energy Therapy

experience the healing energy of angels

Using angelic energy IET works directly with your body’s cellular memory and energy field to get ‘the issues out of your tissues’ for good. It helps you release limiting energy patterns safely and gently from your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and embodying your full potential as you move into your future.


During a session, the natural flow of life is activated in a simple and gentle way by clearing energy blockages. At specific points the blockage is activated and cleared, creating space for positive energy. The energy in the body’s cellular memory will be able to flow freely and is rebalanced. This process is self-managing and self-regulating (or self-healing). Free-flowing energy will give you a sense of knowing what’s good for you and you may notice immediately that you feel calmer, clearer, and lighter.

The benefits of a healing

releases energy patterns
releases energy patterns

Painlessly identifies and releases your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories.

clears energy blocks
clears energy blocks

Clears energy blocks that limit your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity.

empowers your life
empowers your life

Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life.

discover your soul's mission
discover your soul's mission

Helps you to discover and live your Soul’s mission in life.

provides support to traumas
provides support to traumas

Provides gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.

supports your self-healing
supports your self-healing

Supports your self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

increases connection to your angels
increases connection to your angels

Increases your connection to your angels and helps you work with them in your life.

The benefits of a healing

releases energy patterns

Painlessly identifies and releases your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories.

clears energy blocks

Clears energy blocks that limit your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity.

empowers your life

Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life.

discover your soul's mission

Helps you to discover and live your Soul’s mission in life.

provides support to traumas

Provides gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.

supports your self-healing

Supports your self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

increases connection to your angels

Increases your connection to your angels and helps you work with them in your life.

How does it work?

What happens during and after a session?

The suppressed energy charge dissolves and seeks a new balance in the energetic field. The person receiving the healing may have a variety of reactions, such as feeling nothing (also known as ‘healing without feeling’), experiencing temperature changes, feeling emotions of anger or sadness, or slight tingling.


After the session, there’s usually a feeling of pure joy, your natural state of being. In this state, the energetic body is open, and energy can flow freely through it. You’re more energetic and feel alive!

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What they say



experience the healing energy of angels